Shining threads

Shining threads

Friday, 16 May 2014

Curved lines update

Greetings to all those checking out my site, both old and new contacts and friends. Am doing another stint in Brighton, busking my poetry at the usual spot between the West Pier and the bandstand on the sea-front, as well as up by the Pavilion Gardens occasionally. I came up to Brighton with a couple of tattered copies of the Curved lines pamphlet to read from. These all sold out and may be worth something in the future as a collector's edition, depending on my fame and reputation! If you would like a copy/copies of a reprint, please email me to arrange a meeting or so I can send you a copy -

Will also be printing up some other collections of my poetry and 'Dream sayings'. This hasn't happened yet (16/3/17) but you never know!

If you would like to donate to my cause in a wider sense (ie. survival and prosperity as a writer/performer along with other things I do), please feel free to send money to my paypal, which is linked to my email as above. 

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Seeing DNA

Seeing DNA.
Double helix
Bound to create felicity
Between us.
Distinct and parallel.
Eyes see each other.
Dancers love interaction.
Pass it on.