Hands hold the spread of cards.
Shards from the infinite pack.
Hands pack factory boxes,
locked into a 12-hour shift.
Hands fidgety reveal a shifty mind.
Find an alibi plucked from the clouds.
Hands grip knife to cut the meat.
A meeting of steel with flesh.
Taking a beating this time again.
Hands run lines over bare-back mountain.
Fountain streams make dreams come true.
Hands are my robot extension,
expressing tension.
Hands up.
Shards from the infinite pack.
Hands pack factory boxes,
locked into a 12-hour shift.
Hands fidgety reveal a shifty mind.
Find an alibi plucked from the clouds.
Hands grip knife to cut the meat.
A meeting of steel with flesh.
Taking a beating this time again.
Hands run lines over bare-back mountain.
Fountain streams make dreams come true.
Hands are my robot extension,
expressing tension.
Hands up.