we are more than black and white
more than male and female
more than leave and remain
we are more than lgbtqi - what about acdefhjk etc?
we are more than a tick or cross in a box
we are more than this or that
we are more than left or right
more than feminist or reactionary
more than nationalist or globalist
more than fascist or liberal
more than cool or square
we are more than up or down
more than in or out
Confuse the categories!
Jumble the judiciary!
Mix the machinations!
we are divine hybrids,
holy combinations,
sanctified collections,
crowned cross-overs
ascends to the unnamable.
the just-so is where the precise (and precious) /
the annunciated becomes the smile :)
the detail merges into the whole.
the character traits are subsumed into the soul.
More than
Note: this needs to be read on a full computer/lap-top screen, and not a mobile, otherwise the linguistic ‘architecture’ doesn’t happen.
Thunder came announced,
just after unexpected lightning.
It could have been many things - fireworks, a flashlight, an alien landing - but this time - it was a naturalistic abruption. (it's okay to make up new words)
They appropriated the discourse of Silicon Valley - declared a disruptive political movement.
Not playing by the rules. Introduce something new.
A perfect storm.
Storms are morally neutral.
A performance, an interruption, a tantrum, a crescendo of preceding heat, a destruction, a cleansing.
An assertion of Nature's partial dominion.
The balance of power varies, between the gods of natural phenomena and the entities that construct their lives within the [spectrum of existence].
The perfect storm is almost too much. It strikes with an awesome wrath which has no mercy, and yet we indulge its excesses, out of respect and a sense of impotence with regards to this overwhelming electrical frenzy.
These days we are safe, as long as the waters do not rise too high and the trees are not felled in the direction of our dwellings.
These days we are safe, with our technological belongings and virtual networks and multiple media streams.
The predictions seem off-kilter, wild, an out-of-control spiral into a dystopic environmental desolation.
We can handle these discrete storms, marginal increases in heat and #flash-fires & #flash-floods.
The every-day people do not do the maths. We just want a quiet life.
And so the SUM of the equation, a progressive addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to overall elemental outcome, remains obscure.
Nobody knows - only these models can predict and philosophers can theorise and sages can warn.
We know disaster is possible. We know one person, one house, one village, one country can disappear into withered atrophy. The ways of destruction are many.
Yet this sense of a world in danger is too much of a leap for those who find a complex holistic vision distasteful - as if Enlightenment were an overreach of polite conduct, which must restrain truth and expression, in order to keep a civilised sense of, if not peace, then at least lack of disruption. Scepticism keeps reality at a safe distance. The discrete whispers of the unconscious can be easily ignored.
And then the Perfect Storm strikes.
Always outside. From the perspective of the sheltered.
It reminds us.
Thunder and lightning are symbols of our elemental power.
When we can match their intensity, then we will have arrived.
It is not dying.
Not the flower.
Not the cells.
Not the meal in front of you.
Not fish.
But perhaps the dancing river
which cycles through Earth and Sky.
It is not dying.
Not the cat.
Not the tree.
Not the latest trend.
Not flame.
But perhaps the fire
which burns everlastingly,
casting its gaze over all sparks.
It is not dying.
Alchemical recipes.
Haloed words
Which animate the air.
Resonating through the ages.
Despite the rhythms of existence.
It is not dying.
Poetic vision draws forth.
And those few that walk into the fulfilments
Of promises made amidst dark despair and disparity.
Faith which was realised through movement and constancy.
It is not dying.
Infinite transformations
Despite transcendental sublimities.
We enjoy BOTH.
And between alertness and relaxation,
Eternal expressions of endless fascination.
The world is being consumed by a few 3-5 letter adjectives.
Opinions vary as to whether this is bad, sad, good, nice or great.
A radical suggests, provocatively, that we might stretch to include 6 letter adjectives.
This is declared a 'lovely' suggestion.
On hearing of the acceptance, the radical says 'that's great' and that 'it will be good to hear some 6 letter adjectives'.
'That's nice', says one person encouragingly.
'That's nice', says another person condescendingly.
A starry-eyed person sees this step forward and joyously says 'what about 7 letter words?'
A crowd puzzle together over whether this might be feasible, until they declare in unison that 'it would be AMAZING!'
An observer muses that their response was 'very nice', the way it was so co-ordinated and gave a sense of positive agreement.
Someone new walks into the scene and says ‘how about extending the range beyond 7 letter words?’
‘Yes.’ Says someone else, without emotion. ‘That would be interesting.’
‘We could even use pairs of words.’ Says the newcomer.
‘Of course, that would be fantastic and interesting.’ Was the robotic reply.
The council of the Oxford English Dictionary look on with heads full of richly descriptive adjectives, weeping at the linguistic reduction taking place through society.
They are sad.
The world is represented by words, and words animate our perceptions.
This was a great piece of writing, written at a good pace, on a nice computer, with a touch of sadness shared with the OED council, and perhaps a touch of contempt. Oops. My bad.
In the 1950s, a woo bop de do wop rolled into town, and a tipple named skiffle was the latest craze in the cultural maze. In the 1960s, pies got hip. Man gave service to his lips. DSL was their fuel. Those cats, they spat rhymes. What they lacked for in time, they made up for in crime. In the 1970s, the stories became rocks and glitter-glammed and disco-slammed, and funk punk stunk and the microphones span.
In the 1980s, the Gospel was Goth and the Good News was Romance for Simple Minds and U2. Indie end the Queen was Dead and the House that Jack Built rocked da house.
In the 1990s, there was a ravelution, a dum de dum de bass and drums, and the trip hopped and the penny dropped, and Gays' shoes looked mighty fine.
In the Noughties, the dance-floor was grimey in the discos of Cor Blimey, and New New Wave Wave waved at the Eighties to see who they could Spotify. Written January 2016
Eyes spy with my little eye.
An object beginning with the letter 'X'.
X marks the spot,
between my eyes.
There is only one 'I' in the alphabet.
But a dictionary has countless eyes.
Words staring at us from without,
wanting to get in.
To join our set of options.
We are in the trees.
We are the wind and birds and rain.
The vast astonishment created and crafted,
with song and sounds and laughter.
We inhabit future islands.
Places we cannot see yet.
We've been there for a long time.
And yet, we move invisible and resist labels.
The chatter of Babel.
The linearity/normal/conform/crush/enslave.
The command control concentration centre.
These Nazis all around us - pretending they are good.
We've left the wood. It was a false construct.
We are in the trees.
Open up your imagination and you'll see. The Everything is all around
and yet it's hard to perceive,
when attention is focused on
mind-problems made manifest
in society's attitudes
which conspire to make each other less.
We inhabit future islands.
We are in the trees.
We are in infinite sands
We are in endless seeds.