Shining threads

Shining threads

Sunday, 24 September 2017

All the colours of darkness

All the colours of darkness
Hidden in potentiality.

All the shining threads of the void.
Tapestry of many hues.
Mosaic of majesty.
Darkness allows only light.
No shadows.

And distant darkness -
the tyranny of sheer illumination,
light from stars that may already be dead.

All the colours of darkness
Conspire to become rainbows
When day breaks.

Friday, 15 September 2017


The vile lies of evil. 
The supercilious superfluity of the superficial. 
The officious offishness of officials. 
The delicious delights of the delectable. 
The freakish frenzy of the fervent. 
The frail fractures of the frigid. 
The linguistic limits of the loquacious. 
The probable possibilities of the potential. 
The endless ecstasies of the elect. 
The smirking smiles of the smug. 
The compassionate care of the cooperative. 
The suave subtleties of the superlative. 
The dark dank of the dangerous. 
The alliterative allusions of the All.