Shining threads

Shining threads

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Points in love

Every bird that flies the sky - a point in love.

Every person that lives and dies - a point in love.

Every plant and every tree - points in love.

Each flower and each petal within each flower and each fibre within each petal and each cell within each fibre - points in love.

Faces representing unique individuations of the whole.

Nodes in the network of community, sharing a common unity.

An infinite lattice of energy - incarnating and discarnating in an exploration of being.

Every business, every enterprise, every tribe, every nation - a constellation of points of consciousness - held by collective beliefs.

Each perspective determined by their beliefs and actions in a circular feedback loop.

Points in love, connected by a relational perception. Each with their own definitions of different concepts.

Each point pulses and moves in a dance with all the others, defining themselves in relation to one another.

Points in love meet and connect - a web of interrelations - conspiring to collaborate in an endless adventure.

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