Shining threads

Shining threads

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Against and through to be free

I am the archer and the arrow and the bow.
I have my sights set on a target in the distance, but first I need to overcome and clear what stands between me and it.
My potential tautens and I spot the blocks which will need to be transformed or flattened by the momentum of my motion.

All those dominators who want to impose their will onto me.
All systems of oppression which subvert the stream of life into putrid waters.
All energy-thiefs and complainers who want to dampen down the fountain of brilliance.
All ideologues, partisan spokesmen and half-baked revolutionaries who build prisons of vision to block my panoramic view.
All liars and cheaters, game-players and power-seekers, who try to control the dance of energy.
All promisers and apologists, those who don't listen and can't learn.
All drags and pathological sceptics, pessimists and doubters.

There comes a time when another no means never, so don't wait until it's too late. All nice people and polite people and aggressors and taunters - you're each a side of a coin I'm tired of flipping. Time to transcend the duality.

Tuning my thoughts and feelings to my sense perceptions, I become a distinct and responsive agent of life.

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