Shining threads

Shining threads

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Dylan was no hero of mine

She tempts you to defy it.
She invites you to untie it.
She beckons you to supply it.

And its opposite meets you halfway down,
because subconsciously this is what you want,
And you say it’s not what Dylan said would happen.

So we choose our heroes and they let us down
(though Dylan was no hero of mine),
because only you can get up on the ground 
that was 
always here.

You want to be a fraud? A fake? 
A generic mistake?

Face up to the faceless. 
And then that is embodied in this equal.

How then could the back to front be so perfect?
Her diamond mind says it’s just a point of view,
And nothing is as refreshing as every time you looked afresh,
And nothing is as refreshing as this,
And just dance.

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