Shining threads

Shining threads

Thursday, 30 December 2010


Temptation is a look - come hither......leave caution with your friends - the path can only be walked by you.

It's the promise of riches - the call of dreams to risk all.

Temptation is reading other books - stepping into another culture. More sensous. Warmer. Looser.

It's the illusions which lead you away from reality, into fantastic constructions.

Temptation is a beautiful witch - a multicoloured siren who celebrates existence.

It's a nature spirit asking you to follow it down the rabbit hole.

Temptation is a doorway to the treadmill of desire, which could rotate forever.

It's a seemingly infinite succession of longings, spiraling through time.

Temptation is a pattern, which if you agree, tattoos itself in an endless repetition on your body.

It's a road which goes nowhere but always arouses your curiosity that it might deliver some reward.

Temptation is the glamour of madness which will enliven your world and bypass responsibility.

It's the colour red - heels, lip-stick, fire, passion.

Temptation is a pill with a graphic of an apple on it which promises freedom.

It's the call of the wild to run with wolves.

Temptation is the distraction, the side-show, the escape, the intoxicating flower.

It's the pillow to sleep on which smothers you and the face which greets you when you fade into dreams.

Temptation is the music of chaos which initially sounds intoxicating but gradually degenerates into noise.

It's the wrong kind of smile which leads to a casting aside of sense.

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